Join us for Sully Dems Adopt-a-Highway 2024!

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Sully Dems Adopt-A-Highway 2024!
Our 13th consecutive trash pickup will happen on Saturday May 4th. Let’s extend our Earth Day celebration and do a good deed for the planet! Please indicate on Sign Up Genius if you will be able to join us:!/showSignUp/2024SullyAdopt
When: Saturday, May 4
Where: Parking lot at Greenbriar Park, 4600 Stringfellow Rd, Fairfax, 22033.
9:00-9:30 AM – Social time – Coffee (regular and decaf) and goodies.
9:30~11:30AM – Join your fellow Trashketeers for a leisurely stroll along our ~1.1 mile stretch of Stringfellow Rd.
What to bring: Yourself, the rest of your group, and good cheer. Please bring your own work gloves, if desired. We will provide you with safety vests, trash bags, and grabbers.