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Today is Wednesday, October 10th
27 Days until November 6

Yes, that is Senator Tim Kaine working with children in Honduras while he was a Harvard student
It takes about 4 minutes to read this newsletter. What you will find: what needs to be done before and on November 6th; a synopsis of Senator Tim Kaine’s position on immigration reform in his own words; and a list of educational and fun events.
Start with your VOTER CHECKLIST. Five easy steps. Check your registration, vote early, cover early voting at the Sully Governmental Center, recruit two friends to help out, and work at a polling place on November 6th.
Go Now to Our Voter Checklist
Get that good feeling of knowing that you helped.
Today, Sully Dems highlight Senator Kaine’s positions on immigration.
During his 2016 Vice Presidential debate at Longwood University, Senator Kaine said,
“On immigration: There’s two plans on the table. Hillary and I believe in comprehensive immigration reform. Donald Trump believes in Deportation Nation. Hillary and I want a bipartisan reform bill that will put keeping families together as the top goal; second, that will help focus enforcement efforts on those who are violent; third, that will do more border control, and, fourth, that will provide a path to citizenship for those who work hard, pay taxes, and play by the rules. That’s our proposal. Donald Trump proposes to deport 11 million who are here without documents. And both Donald Trump and Mike Pence want to get rid of birthright citizenship – that’s another 4.5 million people. Donald Trump has said it – ‘Deportation Force’. They want to go house to house, school to school, business to business, and kick out 16 million people. ” (October 4, 2016)
“We have different views on refugee issues and on immigration. Hillary and I want to do enforcement based on “Are people dangerous?” These guys say, “All Mexicans are bad.” (October 4, 2016)
About his legislative record, Senator Kaine says, “I was proud to join a majority of my Senate colleagues to pass a historic comprehensive immigration reform package in 2013, as well as speak about its importance in Spanish on the Senate floor. I support efforts to expand the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA) programs. For far too long, our immigration system has placed undue burdens on legal immigrants and kept millions of others living in the shadows of our society.”
What happened to Senator Kaine’s legislation?
Senator Kaine said in 2015:
“Two years, where after a strong bipartisan effort, we’ve waited for action – any action – by the House. Not just taking up our bill, but their own bill, and in a conference finding a compromise, which we can do. It’s time that the House act. It’s time that the Senate and House sit down together and do comprehensive immigration reform.
We can give DREAMers and millions of other families who continue to live in the shadows an earned pathway to citizenship. It’s time to pass that reform.”
New data obtained by the New York Times reveals that as of September, 12,800 migrant children were detained after seeking asylum. Approximately 2,400 children were in custody last May, making child detentions in September the highest number ever documented. READ MORE
Sully Dems member Wallicia Gill and editor Brad Swanson published two special reports on human trafficking in Northern Virginia Undocumented children are particularly susceptible to this abuse because they and their families often are wary of seeking help from police or social agencies. Here are the links to Part I (the background) and Part II, the story of a victim told by her mother. Click HERE to subscribe free to The Blue View.
Sully Dems were inspired by these special reports to post about immigration on social media. Follow Sully Democrats on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Readers can use the Icons at the top of the newsletter to try out each account.
This newsletter is now available in translation. If your preferred language is not yet available, contact us at We are inclusive.
Scroll down for information and fun events.
CUB RUN Stream Valley Cleanup
Saturday, October 13, 9:00-11:30 a.m.
Explore Your Park and Pick-up the Trash. Sponsored by the Cub Run Rec Center and Ocean Conservancy in partnership with the Cub Run Stream Valley Park Volunteer Team. Click here for more information.
Support FCDC’S Oktoberfest In Clifton
Sunday, October 14 5:00-7:00 p.m
Special Guest, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, South Bend, IN
More info here
FREE Historic Centreville Day – Parade and Outdoor Festival
Saturday, October 20 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Complete Information HERE
Get your Sully Dems Tees and other patriotic gear on and march with us! Gather at the staging area at 10:00 a.m. and march in the American Legion Parade with Rep Gerry Connolly, Supervisor Kathy Smith and many other elected officials and candidates marching with Sully Dems in the parade.
The parade ends at historic Centreville Park, where the Festival begins at 11:00 a.m. Entrance to the Festival and parking shuttle from Trinity Center are free. The Festival features tours of historic buildings, trick or treat, kids in costumes, music and crafts. Sully Dems will have a booth at the Festival, where the Sully Dems Donkey will hand out voting information. If you like meeting people, sign up to help at our booth.
10th CD Committee Fundraiser for Jennifer Wexton
Monday, October 22, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Our Candidate, Jennifer Wexton, will be at
House 6 Brewing Company in Ashburn (map)